
15 Embryos. IVF TTC Infertility Our Plans Have Changed Blog


I was a little worried after our procedure being delayed yesterday that we may lose some eggs.  As it turned out, they were able to retrieve 22, which was a great number.  I received a call today that of those 22, 16 were mature enough to go through the ICSI process and of those 16 they were able to create 15 embryos!  15 little embryo babies just waiting to become our children.  We won’t have another update on the status of our embryos.  I’ll have blood work on the 12th to ensure my body is ready for the transfer.  They’ll call me on the 13th to give me a time for the next day (assuming we have embryos that made it far enough for transfer).  On Thursday, I’ll go in for the transfer and we will find out that day whether we’ll be transferring 1 or 2 embryos.  As part of the study, it isn’t up to us.  The goal (for everyone – us and the clinic) is to transfer 2.

This has by far been the most challenging experience of my life.  I’m so grateful to everyone for their love and support.  My mom said to me today, “Yay!!! 15 little grand-zygotes.”  To say she’s excited to be a nana is a bit of an understatement.  We have everyone pulling for us and standing in our corner and I really think that is making a big difference.

We can’t wait to be parents, and we’re so close we can almost taste it!


photo by Lauren Fair

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