New Living Arrangements

Hospital 246


I haven’t posted an update in a while so let me tell you how things are going.  On an ultrasound a few weeks back they had discovered that Baby A was measuring tiny and had umbilical cord flow issues.  I spent a night in the hospital and was released the next day with plans to make twice weekly doctors appointments.  I was going to the doctors Monday’s and Thursday’s to check the umbilical cord, brain flow and heart rates (mostly – they were checking for other things too but I can’t remember everything).  At my appointments they saw some slowing of the flow from the baby back to the placenta (resistance), at another appointment they saw pauses in the flow from the baby back to the placenta (absent flow), and finally at last Thursday’s appointment they saw some reversal where the flow was actually coming back towards the baby instead of heading to the placenta.  The doctor made the call to send me to the hospital and he was pretty clear that it was very likely I would remain there until I delivered, whether that be the following day or the following month.

I’ve been living in the hospital since then, which is super hard.  They are monitoring me closely by performing non stress tests 2-3 times a day with an ultrasound afterwards, if needed and dopplers (the ultrasound to check the flow) every other day.  They also made me do another 24 hour urine collection test because the last time I stayed in the hospital I had elevated levels of protein (there shouldn’t be any).  As it turns out we’ve determined that I have preeclampsia, which is high blood pressure during pregnancy.  As the days have gone on, the ultrasounds look a little better each time, which is great!  At some point though, we anticipate that me or the babies will take a turn for the worse, but for now bed rest is helping.  The doctors are weighing the advantages and disadvantages daily to keeping me pregnant vs. delivering the babies.

The unknown is really hard for me.  I like plans.  Remember that New Year’s resolution post where I said I wasn’t going to make plans anymore?  Well, I want a plan.  Unfortunately, it’s just not possible.  The doctors gave us goals.  The first goal was to make it 12 – 24 hours beyond my second dose of steroids which they gave me Friday and Saturday.  Yay, we made it beyond that point!  Our second goal is 32 weeks, which will be on Friday.  Our long shot goal is 34 weeks – which a few days ago really did seem like a long shot, but if the babies keep responding well to bedrest and we can keep my preeclampsia from moving into the ‘severe’ range, may be more possible than we first assumed.  A doctor even mentioned 36-37 weeks to me today, which hasn’t been on my radar for a few weeks now knowing that there were some issues.

Living in a hospital is no fun, but let me tell you – my doctors and nurses are doing such an amazing job taking care of me, helping me, making me feel comfortable and explaining everything in detail. I’ve had visitors, flowers, strawberries and desserts brought or delivered.  My husband is here as often and as long as he can be.  I’ve started binge watching Parenthood on Netflix, and I’m hooked.  I should probably be doing something more productive with my time, like writing a book or something awesome, but for now I’m just trying to get through the day without weighing myself down too much.

Here are some baby pictures.  Baby B (our daughter) is on top and Baby A (our son) is on the bottom.  Both babies have hands in front of their faces and little Baby A is all smushed but it’s something.  🙂

Hospital 247


3 thoughts on “New Living Arrangements

  1. Keeping you and those babies in my thoughts! I recently started watching Parenthood too! Love it! Keep us posted! Fingers crossed for 36-37 weeks!


  2. I’m sorry to hear about the complications and your new living arrangements. I’m sure that is really hard. Try to take advantage of all the rest, it should serve you well once the babies come. Thinking of your guys!


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